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Explore the places in Femund Engerdal. There are many different accommodations, places to eat, national parks and activities ready for you to experience.

Visit the tourist office

    experience nature from the bicycle seat

    Femund Engerdal is a good starting point for those who want to experience nature via bicycle.

    With a bicycle you can easily get to places where it is not possible to drive a car, and then roads open up to many of the truly beautiful gems in our nature. Whether you want to take day trips or longer trips over several days with accommodation. Maybe you want to combine the bike ride with a boat ride or hike? The possibilities are many!


    Cycling tips

    A simple trip that suits everyone if you allow enough time. Very easy technically.

    Around Femund

    Tour map: Femund Sør and Femund Nord
    • Start in Femundsenden and cycle Fv. 654 about Sorken to Røstvollen, further straight ahead Rv. 221 to Elgå, 38 km.
    • The stretch has asphalt and dirt road. High probability of experiencing reindeer up close. There are several sights on this stretch that may be worth a visit.


    • The store is located in Elgå Peder Røsten Eftf, with an assorted selection of goods.
    • Also take a trip out on the beautiful universally designed hiking trail 4 km each way. Campfires, rest benches, wc and lavatory.
    • Here you can alternatively send the bike by boat, MS Femund II, to enter Femundsmarka National Park yourself. A great opportunity for a short hike in the national park. The trip takes approx. 3 hours.
    • Accommodation options in cabins, and you can take the boat on to Synnervika at the northern end of the lake.
    • An alternative is to join this great boat trip all the way to Synnervika. You can spend the night there Langen Guest House. The timetable for the boat is approx. 12 (14) from Elgå. For other timetables see
    •  From Synnervika you can cycle to Røros, approx. 34 km.

    Accommodation and sights:

    • Alternatively, you can cycle Grådalen out to Tufsingdalen.
    • Return next day by boat from Synnervika at 09.00 to Femundshytten, which is part of Unesco's World Heritage.
    • From there you cycle on to Jonasvollen and out to Rv. 28, about 20 km. Cycle south to Sømådal, approx. 20 km.

    Shop and more accommodation:

    • From Sømådal, Fv. 26 and back to Femundsenden is about 33 km. Possibilities for accommodation back at Femundsenden.



    Bicycle maps

    Short and long, friendly and quite wild. Light and heavy. Incredibly beautiful.

    In our elongated municipality, there is a large network of forest roads and paths that are ideal for cycling. See cycling map below for possible routes.

    Unmarked Around Femund

    210 The sports round

    211 Jyltingsmarka

    212 Kvemsjørunden

    213 Vurrusjølia

    214 Sølenstua–Drevsjø

    215 The hoof round

    216 Røa–Lillerøåsen

    217 Veundåsen–Sølen

    218 Tverrfjellsetra

    219 Sendsjørunden

    Labeled The Five Hundred


    Bike rental

    Bicycles can be rented from the companies below.

    Bicycle brochure

    Get inspiration from our cycling brochure with maps and suggestions for several great cycling tours.
    Feel free to visit the Tourist Office in the center of Engerdal for a pleasant chat, good travel tips and more information about Femund Engerdal.
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