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Explore the places in Femund Engerdal. There are many different accommodations, places to eat, national parks and activities ready for you to experience.

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Fjellheimen leirskole

School camp
Universally designed
The property
Outdoor life for everyone with developmental disabilities  
  • School camp
  • To everyone 
  • Arranged outdoor experiences

Fjellheimen Leirskole in Engerdal is open all year round except for Christmas and Easter, and offers outdoor activities for people with developmental disabilities.

We offer a versatile outdoor life all year round in the forest, in the mountains and on the water. Fjellheimen Leirskole is idyllically located by the Femundselva River, near Femunden and Femundsmarka. The nature and surroundings provide great opportunities for arranged outdoor experiences for students and companions. The terrain in the area is friendly and easy, while also offering good opportunities for those who want slightly greater physical challenges.

Everyone within the target group can come here, regardless of age or physical ability. It is well equipped for wheelchair users. Engerdal municipality has several places with a universal design that Fjellheimen Leirskole uses.  

There are no restrictions on who can book a place here. It can be ordered from private individuals, families, housing associations, homes, work associations, schools, or other groups that meet the criteria to be a student here - everyone is welcome with a companion.

We welcome everyone to a week of adapted outdoor life, where you meet new people and have good experiences within a framework of safety and predictability!

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Feel free to visit the Tourist Office in the center of Engerdal for a pleasant chat, good travel tips and more information about Femund Engerdal.
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