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Explore the places in Femund Engerdal. There are many different accommodations, places to eat, national parks and activities ready for you to experience.

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Besøkssenter nasjonalpark Femundsmarka og Gutulia

All year
Animal friendly
The property
In the tiny hamlet of Elgå, in Engerdal municipality, is the Visitor Center National Park – Femundsmarka and Gutulia.

Elgå is the southern gateway to Femundsmarka National Park and a port of call for the Fæmund II liner. On the way here, you also drive past Gutulia National Park - Norway's smallest national park. . .

Our staff can help you with tips and advice on which local attractions you should visit, and not least give you good knowledge about the national parks.

At the visitor center you can buy fishing licenses, pay for long-term parking and buy local souvenirs. 

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Feel free to visit the Tourist Office in the center of Engerdal for a pleasant chat, good travel tips and more information about Femund Engerdal.
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