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Explore the places in Femund Engerdal. There are many different accommodations, places to eat, national parks and activities ready for you to experience.

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At the border with Trysil, Røa plunges down towards Engeren in wild rapids and a total of five waterfalls with free falls of 3-18 metres. Directions The waterfalls are called Kvennfallet, Storfallet, Styggfallet, Kløftfallet and Gittostfallet. The fall that the road leads to is Storfallet. Further down is Kvennfallet. Further...

Courier cabin from World War 2 Directions This is a reconstructed, underground cabin that was built on the Swedish side of the border by Norwegian resistance fighters in June-July 1944. The cabin was used for various intelligence missions in Engerdal and Trysil in the autumn of 1944. The cabin should be called "Rævhølet" got because the place...

Heinkel He 111H-6 Hundskampen Engerdal 2./I.KG 26 1H+HK WNr.7155 9.11 1942 Obgfr. Otto Arndt (KIA). Obgfr. Egon Zantow , Feldwebel Anton Günter (KIA) and Leutnant Herbert Engelkmeier .Forced landing due to engine failure. Took off from Bardufoss, first destination Fornebu Oslo. Final destination Italy. 2 of the 4 on board perished. Park at the top of Vinterveien, in Engerdal Østfjell....

Femundshytten, In 1739 Røros Kopperverk started operating a smelter on the west side of Femund. Smeltehytta was closed in 1822 when access to forest and coal became worse. At Femundshytten there are several cultural monuments such as slag heaps, the farm museum, Trollbyen, where the "inhabitants" are trolls made of trees and roots,...

In the book by Dagfinn Grønnoset, you can read about how Anna, as a young person, teamed up with a wanderer along the country road. At Haugsetvollen, a good distance off the beaten track, he sold her for NOK. 300 to the people on the farm as a maid. Anna lived there a...

Hans Sorken first lived at Vestre Sorken where he had a workshop on the 1st floor and a home on the 2nd floor. There, the strong-armed Hans lifted himself up and down between the floors with his bare arms. The disability also did not prevent him from acquiring, and driving, one of...

Abakus is a sculpture installation consisting of 7 parts that honors Egil A. Hylleraas' pioneering work in quantum mechanics and the calculation of the Helium atom. Directions Quantum mechanics is abstract and can be difficult to explain. On the way to being able to understand and discover how things are connected, you must...

Erling Sand is known as a flycatcher far beyond the Norwegian border. Erling's father learned the craft from the Smith brothers, who first made annual summer visits to Galten in the 1900th century. The Smith brothers' interest in fishing with artificial fishing flies was introduced to Scandinavians in England. "Engerdalsjokeren", "Jonas", "The Killer",...

No one knows for sure when the stone playhouses at Skjæråsen were built, but perhaps they date from the 1830s. Directions The master builders were young shepherds who built a number of houses including a church while the cattle rested after feeding on the juicy, green grass in Skjæråsen. Engerdal chose a...

Other opportunities in Femund Engerdal

Feel free to visit the Tourist Office in the center of Engerdal for a pleasant chat, good travel tips and more information about Femund Engerdal.
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